Dance for 2 Lights


Our bodies are so specific - 2 pairs of arms and legs. How many arms and legs does your spirit have? How does it dance? Is dance a negotiation between the desires of the spirit and limits of the body?

On the dance floor, I imagine we are each made of light, our spirits moving within our bodies, longing to be pure energy. Space, sound, bodies, and light unite in time into one big dance. Perhaps through certain movements, we can all dance as beams of light.

In Dance for 2 Lights, two dancers are manifested as beams of moving light. The piece builds upon the artist's previous work Lost Searchlights, using the movement of light as a medium. This rendition takes place in a nightclub and hints at future uses of underground spaces.


Korner Kreatures. FINAL. Taipei, Taiwan. Aug 9, 2024.


  • Artist: Arbor
  • Videography: Chien-Wen Lin, Bright
  • Music: Steve Roden - Undulant Spores, Natasha Barrett - Microclimates III​-​VI, 3: Water Fall (Microclimate V), Grace Lu - Garden of Eden
  • Special thanks to Manbo Key and Chien-Wen Lin

© Derrek Chow 2024